

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

TODAY GAINS : Powergrid 120 call 4000 per lot, REC LTD fut 185 to 190 - 5000 per lot, HINDZINC FUT - 8000 per lot, TATACOMM - 4000 PER LOT.........!!!

Dear Investors,

TODAY was A GREAT DAY for our SUBSCRIBERS MANY OF THEM MINTED MONEY which they had never seen before in STOCK MARKETS - a PROFIT CLOSE TO 20,000+ in single day this is how proceeded...

Morning we BOOKED POWERGRID 120 CALL from 3.20 to 5.20 bot few days ago lot 2000 - PROFIT 4,000 per lot....

Then we BOOKED TATACOMM FUT sold yesterday from 231 to 227 lot 1000 - PROFIT 4,000 per lot....

Then we BOT HINDZINC fut at 123.50 and booked today at 127.50 lot 2000 - PROFIT 8,000 per lot...

Then we BOT REC LTD FUT at 185 and booked today at 190 lot 1000 - PROFIT 5,000 per lot...

WE booked loss in GAIL 340 PUT bot 5 and exit at 4 lot 1000 - LOSS 1,000 per lot...

SO WE ENDED THE DAY WITH PROFIT 20,000 APPROX - NOW WE OFFER LIFE TIME MEMBERSHIP to ONLY 5 INVESTORS @ Rs 25,000 one time payment and GET ALL CALLS for LIFE TIME - rush ur mails to sokhitrading@gmail.com

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