

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Do Not Short Sell yourself in 2016 !

Dear Blog Readers,

Do not "SHORT SELL" yourself in 2016, as many as 95% of the People SHORT SELL themselves in the WORLD !

THIS is the Reason WHY only 5% People Are Successful in Life !

THIS is the Reason WHY 90% of the wealth of the World is owned by 10% of the People !

This is the Reason WHY only 5% Traders make Money in Stock Markets !

HOW DO MOST of the the PEOPLE " SHORT SELL " themselves ?

1.We Underestimate our own Brain Power and
2. We Overestimate the other fellow's Brain Power

SO in 2016 ***** - Do not "Short Sell" yourself ! Work on your MINDSET and Believe in Yourself !

DON'T THINK you cannot create a Fortune from Stock Market, If I Can You Can too !!

For me just few years back when I started working on my Mindset, within 6 months my LIFE CHANGED :-)

HOW Can you CHANGE ur MINDSET ? JUST go and GRAB this BOOK " Magic of Thinking BIG " by David J Schwartz

** Click here if the Image doesn't loads. Click here to Enlarge.

Click here to Listen to the AUDIO BOOK [ https://youtu.be/AxilqXvOmrk ]. If u need more help on Mindset Call me at 09239176426

TODAY I want to share with you a Snapshot of an Email which we received in JAN !

The Love, Trust and Faith our Team Members have in us is JUST AMAZING :-)

** Click here if the Image doesn't loads. Click here to Enlarge.

[  " Dear Sokhi Team, Dear Mr. Singh...Wish you all a very Happy New Year.

SOKHI & ME, what does my friend Sokhi mean to me....

(S) uccess - "The vast majority of things are distractions, and very few really matter to your success."
(O) pportunity - "There is the opportunity to do more and better if you're smaller and more nimble."
(K) nowledge - "You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over."
(H) urdles - "I don't look to jump over seven-foot bars; I look around for one-foot bars that I can step over."
(I) ntelligence - "Wherever smart people work, doors are unlocked."


(M) otivation - "Your most important task as a leader is to teach people how to think and ask the right questions so that the world doesn't go to hell if you take a day off."
(E) nthusiasm - "Nothing is worth more than being part of you & SOKHI team and make money as always"

Hence, you are the 1st person I thought of calling and Happy New Year greetings during this eve." ]


GOOD NEWS for  if u wish to JOIN SOKHI TEAM for LIFE TIME  and Learn the Art of Making Money :-)

You can do this by paying only Rs 38,000 !

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AS you know we are the only people offering LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to our SOKHI TEAM, which mean you pay one time membership charges of Rs 38,000 and you get connected to us for LIFE TIME, NO RENEWALS ! Isn't that awesome ****. [ Do note most of our Lifetime Members have earned what they paid us in the first month itself :-) ] Its is Possible for us to give such offers which many may consider foolish because we are traders ourselves not a tips providing company, hence we make good money with our trades :-)

If you are still skeptical to be a Part of SOKHI TEAM - See these 5 PROOF VIDEO !

PROOF VIDEO 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_05DIf1V9hI&list=UU8Zczdi-oyFb1wgJQ4e9qjw
PROOF VIDEO 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqk9hVR0Ox0
PROOF VIDEO 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGyPazUmGck
PROOF VIDEO 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vc4AnNGp7A
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqwflJhzess

Remember " YOU Don't Have to Start Wealthy to Become Wealthy "


>> Click here to Read and Recall - Download the Book '' Secrets of the Millionaire Mind "

>> Click here to Read and Recall - Small Video + Gift for you :-)

>> Click here to Read and Recall - Money Can't Buy this :-)

>> Click here to Read and Recall - SATISFIED with SOKHI TEAM !

>> Click here to Read and Recall - TRUST in SOKHI TEAM !

Call us at +91923917426 or visit www.A1stockOptions.com

You can now make your payment Online though Credit Cards / Debit Cards / Online Banking to be a Part of SOKHI TEAM :

Rs 10,500 for 3 months - ( Click Here - to make the Payment through Credits / Debit Card or Netbanking )
Rs 15,000 for 6 months - ( Click Here - to make the Payment through Credits / Debit Card or Netbanking )
Rs 22,000 for 12 months - ( Click Here - to make the Payment through Credits / Debit Card or Netbanking )
Rs 38,000 for Life-Time (One Time Payment No Renewals) - ( Click Here - to make the Payment through Credits / Debit Card or Netbanking )
Click here to Visit SOKHI TEAM Web Store and See all the Products


"You have to believe. Otherwise, it will never happen."


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